Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Boundary Waters

You know how many times I’ve heard “This will change your life!” and do you know how many times its happened. Yeah, I’ve done things that I’ll remember for life or that have changed my day, but do you know how often something truly changes your life?

Usually the things that change your life aren’t the one that are forwarded that way. “This is going to change your life,” was not how most of the most important things to me began.

One of the only youth leaders who has never told me that is my Venture Crew leader. He tells me things will be fun or I’ll learn a lot, but he avoids the cheesy cliché that automatically lowers a truly amazing experience a few notches.

Two years ago, I went on a trip with my Venture Crew to the Boundary Waters. We spent ten days canoeing, camping, cooking out, talking, and relaxing in northern Minnesota. We had adventures, close calls, and lots of great times, and in the end it did change the way I view my life.

I walked away sure I could survive ten days without facebook, e-mail, phones, ipods, or electricity. I knew that I was self reliant enough to get by, and I understood how much I really treasure nature and great people.

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